Ipak stare kuće mogu da budu prava investicija.
Stara oronula kućica od crvene cigle, jednim delom natrkivena ravnom pločom dok na drugom stoji stari krov koji svake sekunde deluje kao da će se obrušiti. Pogledajte je samo.
@_smithhome • T r a n s f o r m a t i o n • From this… to THIS! #transition #hometransformation #houserenovation #renovationproject #beforeandafter #fyp #foryou ♬ original sound – Owen
Enterijer deluje poput klasične kuće iz šezdesetih, tu su šarene tapete i tepisi jarkih boja, pod koji je popucao i minijaturna kuhinja obložena krupnim pločicama.
Ipak, pod vođstvom stručne ruke Smith Home dizajnerskog studija, ceo prostor je pretvoren u pravu malu luksuznu vilu.
@_smithhome • G l o w U p • A little snapshot into our renovation 🫶🏽 The kitchen used to be a living room, we opened up the ceiling to create a vaulted ceiling and added an extension onto the side to create an open-plan kitchen/living area. #fyp #howdenskitchen #TedTodd #kitchenrenovation #houseextension #realestate #housebeforeandafter #beforeandafter #glowup #home #homesweethome #candycrush10 ♬ original sound – Molly-DIY + Home Design
Čak je i od starog dvorišta napravljena mala oaza sa udobnom garniturom natkrivenom pokretnom nadstrešnicom.
@_smithhome • S u n s L i f e s t y l e • AD | I feel very lucky to be working with @Suns Lifestyle UK this year! I’m still pinching myself that this is actually my garden. 🥹 This is the beautiful Vita lounge set, Rota pergola and Cape Town fire table. The materials are of the highest standard, I’m blown away by the quality! The best thing is, the cushions are perfect for all year round use as they’re made from water-repellent fabrics! I never thought I’d sit outside in January! 🙌🏽😂 The installation team did such a fantastic job and left everywhere immaculate! This is the last weekend you can order and also receive half price pergola installation at Suns Lifestyle so what are you waiting for? 🤭 I’ll link the products in my stories and save them to my highlights. 🤍 pr product* #ad #sunslifestyle #garden #gardenfurniture #pergola #gardenpergola #firetable #fyp #foryou #gardenmakeover #contemporarygarden ♬ All I Want Is You – Disco Lines
Ima li lepše inspiracije?
Bonus video: Aleksandrino kupatilo kao iz bajke
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