Gde je danas „dečak veštac“ čije su fotke užasnule svet

Beba i porodica 24. jun 202011:30 > 11:30
Foto: Facebook/Anja Ringgren Lovén

Pre četiri godine svet je užasnula fotografija na kojoj humanitarka Anja Ringren Loven daje vodu i keks premršavom, zapuštenom afričkom dečaku ostavljenom da umre, jer su njegovi sunarodnici mislili da je veštac. Dala mu je ime Houp (nada).

Mali Houp tad je imao dve ili tri godine i preživeo je zahvaljujući Anji i organizaciji koju je osnovala sa ciljem da spase decu žrtve „lova na veštice“. Dečak je bio u strašnom stanju, Anja kaže „više mrtav nego živ“. Telo mu je bilo puno parazita i nije mogao ni da stoji na nogama.

Dugo je Loven svakog 30. januara obeležavala godišnjicu prvog susreta s Houpom rekreirajući fotografiju koja je obišla svet, kako bi pokazala kako dečak napreduje.

Today it’s exactly 3 years ago since the world awoke to the horror of Hope’s image when we found him, more dead than…

Posted by Anja Ringgren Lovén on Среда, 30. јануар 2019.

„Njegov oporavak je neverovatan. Kada su okruženi samo ljubavlju, brigom i zaštitom, čak i najranjiviji i najbolesniji se oporave. Nije lako raditi s decom koja su bila mučena i zlostavljana od strane cele zajednice. Ja spasavam decu, no to je zapravo najlakši deo. Ono što dolazi kasnije mnogo je teže. Oporavak slomljenih srca, slomljenog duha, samopouzdanja, sve to kod dece koja su ranjiva, koja su videla smrt, to je najteži posao na svetu… Nadam se da će jednog dana nigerijska vlada osigurati izvršenje pravde za sve one koji muče i ubijaju decu zbog glupih praznoverja uzrokovanih neznanjem, verom, siromaštvom i korupcijom. Uvek ću se pitati zašto međunarodna zajednica zatvara oči kada je reč o ubistvima toliko nevine dece“, napisala je Anja koja u Nigeriji vodi organizaciju „Land of Hope“.

Look at this little gangstar ???? When I think of Hope and his development I feel very proud of the staff at Land of Hope and how hard they have worked with Hope. When he was rescued he was barely alive. He was close to death. I never thought he would survive. Today he is the most healthy brilliant young boy going to school everyday. He has so much confidence and self-love and even though he cannot speak he surely knows how to communicate using his high intelligence. Never has he complained about not being able to speak. Never has he shown any sign of giving up. Instead he has taken up every challenge that has come his way with an open mind and positive attitude. And keep in mind, this is a child who spend most of his early life abandonned, not being cared for or even loved by his own family. Hope’s story is amazing. When I think of Hope I also have another feeling of being powerless and desperate. Because the fact is that there are thousands of “Hope’s” out there in need of our help. At Land of Hope we have today 72 children, rescued from death and given a new life with love, care and protection. But everyday innocent children are tortured and killed due to superstion and ignorance. I hardly sleep sometimes because I know that we need to do more. Our work is not easy because we also risk our lives when we go on rescue missions, advocacy missions, and just to bring awareness of superstition can be dangerous. But despite the danger we will never give up. But we need your support to be able to fight superstition. And I often get questions on where to make donations. If you want to support Hope, our children and our work to fight superstition to safe more lives we need all the support we can get. Sponsorships, memberships and donations can be done here: ❤️❤️❤️

Posted by Anja Ringgren Lovén on Четвртак, 20. јун 2019.

Kako ističe, Houp je danas snažan i zdrav dečak s neverovatnim samopouzdanjem. Iako ne govori, ume da komunicira. Veoma je inteligentan i voli da ide u školu, želi da nauči nešto novo svakog dana. Ima razvijenu maštu, voli da se igra. Hrabar je, nikad ne odustaje i svaki izazov dočekuje otvorenog uma i s pozitivnim stavom…

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Today is the 30 of January 2020, and today is exactly 4 years ago we rescued Hope. I think most people in the world has seen or heard about the famous picture of Hope and I, where I kneel down in front of his starving malnourished body to give him water. I don´t want to share the picture today. Instead I want to share pictures of Hope how he looks like today, 4 years after the rescue. A very strong, intelligent, funny and beautiful young boy who despite all odds, survived ! Hope has seen the famous picture of him and I many times. He will point at himself to say that it’s him on the picture, and then he will smile, as if he was proud. But I know it’s not about pride. Children are born with the ability to forgive. Children are born with no prejudices. It is when children are taught what to think and not how to think, we fail as a society. Do we raise Hope to hate his parents that abandoned him, accused him of being a witch and left him alone on the street to die ? No, ofcourse not. Superstition is caused by lack of structural education, extreme poverty, religious fanaticism and corruption. No society can develop if it’s people are deprived basic human rights such as access to education, health care and social protection. Education is the most powerful investment in a society and the greatest weapon against ignorance. Like all our 74 children, Hope goes to school every day. School is the foremost fountain of knowledge children can be exposed to. Despite his young age, and after 4 years in our care, Hope knows that hate is to great a burden to bear. All we need is love ❤️ As I have said many times before, Hope was not rescued by only me. Hope was rescued by @davidumem @nsidibeorok and I, and for 4 years now he has been loved, protected and cared for by all our staff and children at Land of Hope. Look at my Hopiiiiii ? Is he not just the most handsome boy in the world ? ? #hope #rescue #childrights #childrennotwitches #landofhope #education #socialprotection #healthcare #love #development #nigeria #humanity #africa #progress #enlightment #lovenothate #ignorance #humanrights #protection #childrenareourfuture

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„Mnogo puta je video čuvenu sliku. Pokazao bi na sebe i nasmejao se, kao da je ponosan. Ali ja znam da to nije ponos“, napisala je Anja Ringren Loven.

Pročitajte još:

„Deca se rađaju sa sposobnošću da oproste. Deca se rađaju bez predrasuda. Kad ih učimo šta treba da misle umesto toga kako da misle, propadamo kao društvo. Da li Hopa odgajamo tako da mrzi svoje roditelje što su ga napustili, optužili da je veštac i ostavili ga na ulici da umre? Ne, naravno da ne. Sujeverje je rezultat manjka obrazovanja, ekstremnog siromaštva, verskog fanatizma i korupcije. Nijedno društvo ne može da se razvija ako su ljudi uskraćeni za osnovna prava kao što su obrazovanje, zravstvena i socijalna zaštita.  Obrazovanje je najmoćnija investicija u društvo i najveće oružje protiv neznanja. Kao i ostala naša deca, Houp ide u školu svakog dana. Iako je mali, zna da mržnja postaje veliki teret“, istakla je.

Kaže da nikad neće odustati od spasavanja napuštene dece, jer ih ima na hiljade koja su u situaciji u kojoj je Houp bio pre četiri godine i potrebna im je pomoć. U njenom centru „Land of Hope“ živi više od 70 dece spasene od gotovo izvesne smrti.


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