95 dana sam gledala muža kako umire od korone

muž umro do korone
Foto: Instagram/amandakloots

Američki predsednik Donald Tramp nedavno je obolelo od kovida 19, a potom iz bolnice poručio da ljudi ne treba da dozvole da im korona kontroliše život. Fitnes influenserka Amanda Klots, koja je zbog virusa izgubila muža, poslala je Trampu žestoku poruku koja je obišla svet.

Naime, Amanda je zbog koronavirusa u julu izgubila supruga Nika Kordera. Ovaj 41-godišnji glumac u bolnici je zbog komplikacija uzrokovanih kovidom 19 proveo punih 95 dana, a amputirana mu je i noga.

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To all the over 208,000 Americans who lost loved ones to this virus – I stand by you, with you, holding your hand. Unfortunately it did dominate our lives didn’t it? It dominated Nick’s family’s lives and my family’s lives. I guess we “let it” – like it was our choice?? Unfortunately not everyone is lucky enough to spend two days in the hospital. I cried next to my husband for 95 days watching what COVID did to the person I love. It IS something to be afraid of. After you see the person you love the most die from this disease you would never say what this tweet says. There is no empathy to all the lives lost. He is bragging instead. It is sad. It is hurtful. It is disgraceful.

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„Svim Amerikancima koji su izgubili najmilije zbog ovog virusa, kojih je preko 208.000 – stojim uz vas, s vama i držim vas za ruku. Nažalost, ovo jeste dominiralo našim životima, zar ne? Virus je dominirao životom Nikove porodice i životom moje porodice. Valjda smo mu to ‘dopustili’ – kao da je to bio naš izbor?? Nažalost, nemaju svi tu sreću da samo dva dana provedu u bolnici. Plakala sam pored svog supruga 95 dana gledajući šta je kovid učinio osobi koju volim. Toga se treba bojati. Nakon što vidite da osoba koju najviše volite umire od ove bolesti, nikada ne biste rekli ono što stoji u ovom tvitu. Ovde nema empatije za sve izgubljene živote. Umesto toga on se hvali. Tužno. Štetno. Sramotno“, napisala je Amanda u odgovoru uz Trampov tvit koji je podelila na Instagramu.

Njen odgovor lajkovalo je preko 300.000 ljudi, a mnogi su ga podelili i na drugim društvenim mrežama.

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Nick update day 85. ⠀ Nick is profoundly weak. Imagine how you feel getting the flu and how it can take your body a full week to recover. Now imagine how Nicks body feels, all that he has gone through and how long it will take him to recover. This will take time, a long time. ⠀ He interacts with his eyes, answering questions by looking up for yes and down for no. When he is alert he can also move his jaw. I have been doing passive physical therapy on him to help in any way I can to get him stronger, to keep his joints moving and engage his muscles. He cannot move his body yet. He has had some minor blood infections that are causing little blood pressure issues although those are under control. His vent settings are getting better and his numbers are trending in a better direction. He is relatively stable. ⠀ Is this defeating? Sometimes it is, I won’t lie. I wish I would walk into his room and he was able to give me a big smile and hold my hand. But instead of feeling defeated, I turn to feeling determined! I give him any and all energy I can. I tell him goals that the doctors would like to see. I insist that he CAN do this! People may look at me like I’m crazy. They may think that I don’t fully understand his condition because I’m smiling and singing in his room everyday. I’m just not going to mope around and feel sad for myself or him. That is not what Nick would want me to do. That is not my personality. I fight and I will continue to fight for Nick every single day. With God on our side anything can happen! ? ⠀

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Inače, Klots je suprugovu borbu dokumentovala na Instagramu i postala vrlo poznata jer je prikazivala kako pandemija utiče na život porodica u SAD-u. Nakon suprugove smrti ona je nastavila da priča svoju priču i da sa više od pola miliona prijatelja deli kako ona i njen sinčić Elvis žive nakon gubitka muža i oca.



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